Living the Brand: Rosario Medina Receives High Praise from DePauw

Shiel Sexton began work on DePauw University’s historic Asbury Hall in May 2016. The century-old building was in need of a major uplift that included replacement of the existing roof, masonry restoration of the exterior façade, and waterproofing the building’s east side. We build for people who expect more. Among the champions delivering on that promise and living the brand during this extensive renovation was Shiel Sexton Superintendent Rosario Medina. DePauw’s Tony Robertson, Facilities Manager, had high praises for Rosario. “As I have walked through the building in the last few weeks and made note [of] things that needed done, I was typically told by staff in the building that, "Rosario already has it on his list,” said Robertson. He added that Medina can often be caught working late hours on the jobsite, giving his fullest attention to the task at hand. Among the many other scopes of work was the very tedious task of installing a new elevator in the 100-year old facility. Greencastle Building Inspector Patrick Thibodeau corroborated Robertson’s praises after seeing the team’s work on the elevator.
“The block work in the elevator shaft was the finest I have ever seen; I personally attribute it to Rosario’s high standards and drive for perfection,” said Thibodeau.
With a strict three-month schedule and DePauw’s school year starting August 24th, there was little room for error. Medina ensured that the project was completed on time with the utmost integrity. “The success of the project is due in large part to Rosario’s efforts,” said Robertson. Thanks to Rosario’s dedication and commitment to living the brand, DePauw University got more than they expected! The SCOOP | October 2016 | More from this Issue