What Does Employee-Owned Mean?

Shiel Sexton offers every employee an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP. Our ESOP gives employees a stake in the company through stock allocation at no cost to them. We want to encourage our employees to share financially in the wealth we create and strive to make Shiel Sexton successful, no matter the job they hold.

We take pride in everyone here and have been 100% employee-owned since 2016.

What Is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)?

An Employee Stock Ownership Plan allows a company’s employees to acquire shares through a share option plan. Our employees have ownership in the company so they have a meaningful voice in the company and the value of their equity can grow as we grow.

What are the Benefits?

At Shiel Sexton, being 100% Employee Owned has a plethora of benefits. Some of the benefits that arise from having an ESOP are:

  • Improves American competitiveness.
  • Increases productivity through greater employee participation in the workplace.
  • Strengthens our free enterprise economy.
  • Creates a broader distribution of wealth.
  • Maximizes human potential by enhancing the self-worth, dignity, and well-being of our people.
  • And more!

Become an Owner

If you want to work for a company that gives you more opportunities in your career, join the Shiel Sexton team.

See Shiel Sexton Jobs