5 Tips to Keep Safe and Warm on the Jobsite

As the temperature outside keeps dropping, the safety concerns for our Shiel Sexton employees and subcontractors are a top priority. The construction industry is considered one of the most dangerous jobs, especially when the weather is extreme. Shiel Sexton boasts an award-winning, corporate safety program full of critical insight for staying safe during the winter months. Our safety experts offer the following tips on staying safe during inclement weather:
  1. Limit Outdoor Exposure – It is not safe to work outside if the temperature is below 10 degrees. The frigid temperatures can put you at risk for severe hazards including cold related illnesses, such as frost bite and hypothermia. Maintaining a lower body temperature can also cause you to lose focus on your tasks or surroundings which can be dangerous.
  2. Dress Smart - We take steps to ensure employees have adequate clothing including heavy winter outfits, water and cut resistant gloves, hand warmers and hooded sweatshirts for layering. We encourage all crafts people on our jobs to bring multiple layers and a second set of clothes in case a clothing articles gets wet in those conditions.
  3. Take Breaks - We plan appropriately to allow our craftspeople to take frequent breaks in warm, dry areas throughout the work day. Breaks can be in a designated building, trailer, or in a running vehicle.
  4. Attend Proper Training Courses – Shiel Sexton has many trained safety professionals to educate and answer any cold weather safety questions you may have. Additional training is provided at no cost to our subcontractor and owner partners.
  5. Be Prepared and Cautious on the Jobsite – Make sure you bring extra tools that will be helpful on the jobsite such as ice scrapers, salt, emergency kits, shovels, food, water, and blankets. When you first inspect the jobsite, be aware of any ice or snow that may make certain parts of the jobsite dangerous.
For any other safety questions or concerns, please contact the Shiel Sexton Safety Department’s Safety Director, Matt Jacques, at 317-423-6122